Other Ways to Give
More Ways to change their lives, one animal at a time❤️
Tribute gifts are the most heartfelt, no matter the occasion. If you’re hosting a wedding, birthday party or special event, ask your guests to make a gift to AFRP in your honor; or, if you’re attending a momentous occasion, consider giving a gift in honor of an animal.
Facebook Fundraisers are a great way to easily support AFRP in lieu of a birthday, adoption anniversary, wedding or celebratory occasions. 100% of all proceeds raised during your Facebook Fundraiser will benefit AFRP to support animals in need.
It’s easy! Go to our Facebook page, scroll down to “Fundraisers”, and click on “Create Fundraiser”.
Grounds & Hounds Coffee uses the sale of their fair trade, organic, specialty coffees to support animal welfare organizations.
When you shop you'll receive a 15% discount with the code AFRP15.
Use the link above to help pets in our care and drink delicious coffee!

Hosting your own event or fundraiser to support the work of AFRP is a great way to share our mission and help local animals most in need. You can always use your passions to organize your own fundraising event on behalf of animals at AFRP.
If you are interested in hosting an event or fundraiser with us, please complete our Paw Partners Interest Form and we'll contact you once reviewed. If you have any additional questions contact us at volunteer@animalfriendsrescue.org.
AFRP enlists the community as allies and supporters for the welfare of our program animals, and continued sustainability to offer low-cost services to our community. If your organization or business would like to offer sponsorships to support our low-cost clinic services such as community cat clinics or spay/neuter clinics, or marketing/advertisements to support our foster and adoption programs we would love to hear from you today! Or if you would like to host an AFRP donation box at your location please let us know!
If you are interested in a sponsorship with us or hosting a donation box please contact us at admin@animalfriendsrescue.org.
Remembering AFRP in your will, trust, or other estate plans allows us to help hundreds of animals through our community-driven programs. These gifts are so special because they truly ensure the future of AFRP and helping animals in need in our community.
We appreciate your support of us through your own estate and planned giving as it recognizes our work to build a community of caring for animals in need.
There are many ways to benefit AFRP as you make final giving plans:
- Name AFRP as a beneficiary in a will or living trust
- Make a gift of cash or appreciated securities to establish a charitable gift annuity with AFRP
- Name AFRP as the beneficiary of a paid life insurance policy or a retirement account
- Transfer gifts of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds
To include AFRP in your plans, you need the information that follows:
Legal Name: Animal Friends Rescue Project
Legal Address: P.O. Box 51083, Pacific Grove, CA, 93950
Federal Tax ID: 77-0491141
Type of Organization: California Registered Non-Profit 501(c)(3)
We encourage you to contact your financial advisor and/or attorney for recommendations for your particular situation.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at admin@animalfriendsrescue.org
By donating your vehicle to charity, you can share your passion for change and draw attention to what you consider important. In return, you receive a maximized tax deduction, and the comfort of knowing your donation sparked change and amelioration.
Click here to learn more and donate today!
If you sell or purchase items through the following platforms you can choose to donate a percentage to AFRP! Simply choose AFRP as your designated charity upon checkout or when you sell items.
Nextdoor, Sell for Good is a way to give back to your local community. Sell for Good, within For Sale and Free, is where you can sell and buy goods that benefit local nonprofits. When you sell items on Nextdoor you can choose to support AFRP. Buyers can choose to purchase items that will benefit AFRP.
eBay, for Charity Sellers, when you buy or sell an item on eBay you can select AFRP as your charity of choice to receive a percentage of the sale as a direct donation.
Paypal, Give at Checkout, enables users to donate to a charity when completing a purchase. You would just select our organization, Animal Friends Rescue Project at checkout, and PayPal would send the donation directly to AFRP.
You can also donate through our PayPal page, or start a PayPal Fundraiser!
Donate to AFRP just by walking your dog! The more you walk, the more charity points you earn which will turn into donations if we are your selected charity of choice! Download the Wooftrax app for free, select AFRP as your charity, and start walking with your furry companion today!

Donate to AFRP just by shopping Max & Neo. You will receive 10% off your purchase, and we will receive 10% to use as store credit. Use our special link, or use the coupon code animalfriendsrescue10. Max & Neo also donate to a rescue organization every time you shop with them. It's a win-win!